our leadership
Elder Board

Myron Baird
Myron and Lisa have been married since 1981, and they have attended Richland Alliance since 1985. They have two daughters: Caitlyn & Grace. He received Jesus as his Savior as a young boy in summer camp. He was further nurtured in his walk with the Lord as he grew up attending a small church in Southern Oregon. Though he had some ups and downs, he continued to grow in his understanding of and relationship with the Savior through 6 years in the Navy and a career in Nuclear Power. Though retired from work, he continues to learn and grow in Christ. He was born on the island of Ponape, in Micronesia. His Grandfather was a pastor in various Free Methodist churches throughout Oregon. When he was 4 years old, he and Grandma came to live with them after they retired. Each of these two had a profound effect on Myron and his Spiritual walk.

Grant Goins
Grant has been the Senior Pastor of Richland Alliance since June, 2021. He is a native of Spokane, Washington and has also lived in Montana, Oregon, and California. He and Kimberly have been married since 1997 and have four girls: Audrey, Ava, Lydia, and Laurel. Grant enjoys connecting people to God and to one another. He also loves hiking, camping, and playing music and listening to classic rock records. Spiritual influences include Roger Morhlang, Dale Bruner, Gary Thomas, Eugene Peterson, Skye Jethani, and Marva Dawn, and Peter Scazzero.

Chris Lentz
Chris met Laurel at a sandwich shop where she was working, and that providential encounter led to a loving marriage with six children. A primary spiritual influence early in life was his Grandma, who took him to church every Sunday. At the age of 13 he made a commitment to follow Christ in confirmation class. Chris works as an electrical engineer and is the original “remote employee.”
He enjoys riding motorcycles, working with the children and youth at Richland Alliance, and he’s got a great sense of humor!

Chuck Soderquist
Chuck Soderquist is a Tri City native, raised in a Christian home. He met Karen at Northwest Nazarene College, and they were married in Ellensburg in 1985. Chuck and Karen moved back to Richland for work after college and have been active at Richland Alliance Church ever since.

Chris Thompson
Chris grew up on the East Coast, where he and Danae met, but they have lived in Washington for over 25 years. They have 4 adult children: Luke, Will, Sean, and Leah. Chris had held many positions at the church including elder, Sunday school teacher and board member. He is as analytical chemist for Battelle and an avid fisherman!