Are you thinking about visiting?

What do I do when I get there?
Plan to arrive between 9:45 and 10:00. As you enter the building you can head right up the stairs to the sanctuary and find a seat anywhere that feels comfortable for you. We are a small, family-oriented congregation. You can expect to be greeted by a few members of our church family. We have a wheelchair ramp on the south side of the building for those needing an accessible entrance.
How long is a service?
Our services last about 75 minutes. We begin with 2-3 songs. (The words are projected on a screen to make it easy to follow along.) After the singing, the children up through grade 5 are dismissed. The pastor then shares a lesson from the Bible. We finish with more songs. Afterwards, all are invited to have a cup of coffee, tea or cocoa in the lobby.
What should I wear?
We want you to be comfortable when you visit, so wear what you’re comfortable wearing. When you’re at one of our services, you’ll see a range of styles from shorts and jeans to dresses and “business casual.” Come as you are!
What about children?
We love having children in our church services! You can choose whether to keep them with you in the service or take them to Children’s Church. Kids 5th grade and below are dismissed after the worship songs. You can follow the teacher downstairs and help get them settled if you like.
If you decide to keep your children in the service, we know children can be a little noisy and that’s okay with us.
Our Children’s Church staff have had a thorough background check through Sterling Volunteers.
We also have a policy that no adult will be alone with a child.
What is Children’s Church?
Children’s Church is designed for preschool through 5th grade students and meets during the sermon time. Our lessons focus on a Bible story and an engaging activity that relates to that story. We involve the kids through actions, activities and conversations.
Will I be expected to give financially?
We normally pass offering plates at the end of the service, for those who feel led to contribute to the work of our church and our global missions partners. There are envelopes in the seat pockets for this purpose. There is no expectation to give.
What about infants?
Infants are a wonderful blessing! Please bring your baby. Again, you can keep your baby with you or take them to the nursery.
Can I take communion?
We normally observe the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of the month. Communion is available to anyone who has put their faith in Christ to save them. You do not need to be a member of our church or to have permission to participate.
Still not sure?
You can contact the office to ask any further questions.
Office hours are Tuesday – Thursday from 9 AM -2 PM. 509-943-6673
You can also call to schedule an appointment to meet Pastor Grant Goins.
If you prefer to make your first visit from the comfort of your home, our services are live streamed on Facebook and can be found later on YouTube